Municipal and Provincial Government Advocacy
The SSCC is connected with municipal and provincial government in the Bruce County region. We develop and maintain positive relationships with senior officials and key decision makers in the region, and then we leverage these relationships for strategic policy development and advocacy for business development. This is time consuming, but is incredibly valuable.
Networking and Connecting
We regularly host networking events including Business After Hours, Networking & Referral Group and more. We also organize several economic development events as well as community events throughout the year. Aside from being fun, these events give you the opportunity to meet with the SSCC board of directors and other members, share ideas, and in some cases, make referrals to each other. Sponsorship opportunities are available for these events and are an excellent way to show support for your community.
Business Tools
Our members become part of our organization and have access to tools to help do business. We offer access to Purolator Shipping services, the Chamber's Plan Health & Dental, the Meridian Credit Union program, Park'N Fly discount code, and Schooley Mitchell: The Cost Reduction Experts. We also partner with HR Covered to provide your business with over 1000 HR documents at not cost.
You'll rest better knowing you're getting the lowest rates available so you have more money to invest back into your business. To learn more about the above business tools, click here.
Professional Development
We value the expertise found within our membership so we encourage you to get involved. Chamber committees are an excellent way to help shape the direction and growth of your Chamber and your community.
Advertisement and Marketing
Allow the Chamber of Commerce to become a part of your marketing plan. Included with your membership is a listing in our Member Directory, located on our website. Advertising on our social media platforms (Facebook & Instagram), and in our weekly newsletter; the Chamber Chatter. We also offer a variety of ways for your business to gain high visibility through sponsorship. To learn about the opportunities available click here.
Your Membership Relations Specialist is your connection to these benefits. Reach out to our team at to get more information on how to maximize your benefits.