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  • Saugeen Sparks Training Centre



    About Us

    A not-for-profit Training and Skills Development Centre operating in Saugeen Shores since the fall of 2023. The Centre’s plan is to provide outreach and hands-on introductory skills training and re-skilling learning opportunities, leading to diverse employment opportunities for all.

    Mission: To provide opportunities for youth and adults to explore their curiosity and discover their interest in the skilled trades through programs, partnerships and community engagement.

    Vision: Through hands-on learning and positive mentoring, the Centre will provide introductory hands-on skills development programs, leading to further educational and/or diverse regional employment opportunities.

    The Centre’s goal is to ignite students’ interest in the trades as a valuable career option. In the pursuit of our mission, we are proactively establishing partnerships and connections with all community members and similar-minded collaborators. Our commitment to inclusivity guides us, all while acknowledging the unique mandates of each organization.


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