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  • Nuclear Innovation Institute

    Nuclear Innovation Institute

    About Us

    The Nuclear Innovation Institute (NII) is an independent, not-for-profit organization with a unique role driving an innovative nuclear voice, skill development and industry advancement.

    All of us, innovators. Innovation doesn't mean inventing the latest widget—instead, it's something that happens throughout our organization.

    In public policy. Workforce development. STEM education. Industry projects. Community engagement. And this work is driving the nuclear industry forward in unique ways, making connections both across the sector and beyond.


    This first-of-a-kind innovation and education centre in the region is a sandbox for collaboration and professional development. Located just minutes from Bruce Power off Bruce County Road 20.

    Connect with us for a tour: advance@nii.ca


    NII Headquarters in Saugeen Shores
    NII Connects event with RBC at HQ with local small businesses
    Climate Project launch event at HQ. www.climateproject.ca
    NII Advance Technology Campus in Tiverton
    Welcome to the Campus
    Our main space, the Cortex.
    Room for trade shows, seminars, and conferences.
    Cortex in use for a Innovation Day.
    Cortex set up for a dedication event.
    Book for off-site training or courses.
    Our medium sized rooms for workshops, training and meetings.