About Us
The Elora Soap Company was founded by John & Karen Kimpel in 1987 in Elora, Ontario, Canada. Suddenly and very sadly, we lost John in 2008, but Karen is still making soap in the Heritage Village of Paisley, Ontario, Canada – our home since 1990. Our son, Ben, now 25, lives here too, and he helps in the store and at shows. Our century building still keeps us busy with ongoing renovations. We live on the main street, where we make our soap, grow many of our herbs, and operate a retail store – it’s a fun place – you can write on the wall, chalk on the sidewalk, play with the tin-toys…oh, and find out a lot about soap – we are open 7 days a week. Sierra still makes cameo appearances in the store and at shows, and occasionally even Eva might be seen behind a counter…
We have 2 dogs, Niko (the younger mostly lab), Shadow (the older), and 2 cats, Eddie (ginger), and Cassiopoeia (tabby).